
Pursuant to CADU’s corporate bylaws, the Company has an Audit and Corporate Practices Committee comprised exclusively of Independent Directors.

The Chair of the Committee is appointed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, taking into account its background, renowned expertise and professional reputation.

The functions of the Committee are:

(i) Discussing the financial statements with those responsible for their preparation (and recommending approval or not to the Board of Directors);
(ii) Investigating possible non-compliances in operation, internal control, and internal audit;
(iii) Reporting to the Board the status of the internal control and internal audit system of the Company (and the legal entities it controls);
(iv) Ensuring that the CEO complies with the resolutions of the Shareholders' Meetings;
(v) Evaluating the firm performing external audit services (and analyzing the audit report, opinions, and reports they generate);
(vi) Supervising governance functions;
(vii) Reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding transactions with related parties;
(viii) Providing opinions on matters within its competence under the LMV (Mexican Securities Market Law);
(ix) Monitoring the Company's ethics issues;
(x) Assisting in the preparation of reports;
(xi) Making observations regarding the performance of relevant executives; and,
(xii) Proposing compensation packages for the CEO and other relevant executives of the Company.

The Committee is comprised by:

Audit and Corporate Practices Committee

Name Position
Luis Zazueta Dominguez Chair
Manuel Francisco Arce Rincon Member
Alberto Sanchez Palazuelos Member
Jose Luis Romero Hicks Member